Ipa Beer That Easy on the Stomach Pain

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  1. Hello Advocates,

    Recently I have been drinking many different kinds of unfiltered beers like Hefes, some IPAs, and various different lagers like Kellerbiers. However, I have also noticed that I've been experiencing stomach discomfort a night or a day after a drinking session that often feature such beers.

    I understand that alcohol does come with the risk of stomach upset, and that for me, these stomach problems happen when I end up binging and consuming three to five beers on an evening. However, I also cannot really recall these problems occurring as often when I drank a lot of filtered types of beer.

    Is the yeast or some other particulant in the beer causing me these problems?

  2. Yeasty beers are something I avoid due to the digestive problems that follow.
  3. Ingesting copious amounts of brewer's yeast can cause upset stomach, gas, and other GI distresses.
  4. rozzom

    rozzom Meyvn (1,057) Jan 22, 2011 New York

    Had 11 pints of an unfiltered lager on Saturday, followed a Lamb Vindaloo and a couple more pints. Terrible time on the toilet yesterday. Bloody unfiltered beers!
  5. It should be anticipated that this thread may get shut down for medical advice :grimacing:

    Seeing as alcohol is (sadly), for lack of a better term, "poisonous" to our bodies and minds, I think we all can agree binging never makes for a happy tummy.
    Yeast is also a possibility for discomfort.

    I know personally that drinking tons of beers and not exercising gets me extremely bloated and distended for a few days. No fun.

  6. MNAle

    MNAle Poo-Bah (2,380) Sep 6, 2011 Minnesota

    The little microorganisms living in "live" beer are still living when they are dumped into your gut.

    Once there, they do what comes naturally in that environment.

  7. JackHorzempa

    JackHorzempa Poo-Bah (5,541) Dec 15, 2005 Pennsylvania

    Yup, live yeast can play havoc within your gut.


  8. Hmm, that's tough. I've come to appreciate the extra taste from unfiltered and unpasteurized beer. And it seems that the craft beer trends seem to be moving towards unfiltered and unpasteurized.
  9. JackHorzempa

    JackHorzempa Poo-Bah (5,541) Dec 15, 2005 Pennsylvania

    Me too and for me that is in large measure my homebrewed beers. If I keep my consumption moderate I feel fine. If is drink too much... that is a different story.

    Keep drinking those tasty unfiltered/unpastuerized beers but drink those particular beers in moderation.

    If you want to do some big time partying, then filtered beer would be better for you.


  10. marquis

    marquis Champion (812) Nov 20, 2005 England

    Unfiltered beer does not mean cloudy. I drink cask beer which by its very nature contains live yeast yet it is normally water bright.I do not expect untoward effects from drinking it.
  11. MNAle

    MNAle Poo-Bah (2,380) Sep 6, 2011 Minnesota

    Yeah, but your gut is accustomed to it.

    Back in the 80's, when I was traveling to England a lot on business, it always took me a day or two to become re-accustomed to cask ale. After that, I was "immunized" for the duration of that trip.

    (I agree with your point about clarity.)

  12. marquis

    marquis Champion (812) Nov 20, 2005 England

    There was one beer back in the 60s which had the reputation "if it doesn't go through you in 24 hours you're a corpse"
    The brewer suggested that the amount of Epsom Salt used in the water treatment might have been a factor.
    I homebrewed for 30 years and if I did it right the beer would drop bright in a matter of days.I never fined or filtered it.
    As an aside, many brewers used to advertise "Fine Ales and Stouts" , not as I used to think a claim of quality but because the beers had been fined.Not all brewers found it necessary.
  13. jesskidden

    jesskidden Poo-Bah (2,484) Aug 10, 2005 New Jersey
    Society Trader

    Unpasteurized beer has been standard for the "craft" segment in the US from its beginning, with a few notable example like Anchor's adoption early on of flash pasteurizing both kegs and bottles and, once contract brewing took hold, many craft beers brewed at older breweries (like Samuel Adams bottled beers from Pittsburgh Brewing Co. and, later, others) were tunnel pasteurized.
  14. Nothing like a good blow-out after a day of yeasty-beers!
  15. Perriczek

    Perriczek Initiate (0) Jan 6, 2018 Czech Republic

    2 liters of the yummy unfiltered Pilsner Urquell yesterday (in Plzen, CZ), gobbled up slowly...and my today trumps may likely be noticed in the White House.
  16. tillmac62

    tillmac62 Poo-Bah (1,830) Oct 2, 2013 South Carolina

    Run a trial to determine it. Drink x of filtered then follow in the next day or two with x of unfiltered. Try and keep alcohol contents equal as well as style. You could be sensitive to the hops and acidity levels.
  17. BayAreaJoe

    BayAreaJoe Savant (949) Nov 23, 2017 California

    You'd also need to eat the same easily digestible meals each time to eliminate that as a variable.

    Are you eating quality, healthy food & snacks when you drink? Are you keeping your portions modest? There are a whole lot more causes of stomach problems than just beer types. Main one is food.

  18. Soneast

    Soneast Champion (876) May 9, 2008 Wisconsin

    Yep. Nothing worse than yeast farts. And the accompanying blowout.
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Source: https://www.beeradvocate.com/community/threads/unfiltered-beer-and-stomach-problems.566172/

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